111 definitions by Justicewithtacosandweed

Girls with smaller, average sized boobs that feel hard as a rock.

These girls’s breasts fun to hold and fondle.
I was doing it with her while her boyfriend was away. I fondled her boobs and they were really small and felt very hard. She’s got one rock hard chest. But she’s so sweet to me.
by Justicewithtacosandweed August 10, 2018
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When you chug an entire bottle of something really fast but you don’t finish it.
Johnny: I was at my buddy’s function last night and to excite the festivities, I decided to do a bait crate. It was scary cause I almost nearly blacked out that night.
by Justicewithtacosandweed April 23, 2020
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Someone who is too politically correct about every small little detail to the point of being uninteractiable.

Originating from the character’s Fluffy and Uranus, from the American adult comedy TV series, Duckman.
He was pulling a Fluffy Uranus! All he talked about to me this afternoon was how unfair he’s being treated at work for being bald black, just to get attention!
by Justicewithtacosandweed August 14, 2018
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Acronym for "determined childlike runner".

An individual (usually a younger one) who acts childlike in a likeable and charming way, but also is mature and and independent too. They have fashion, style, and the overall social energy of a child, but they also know their goals and are determined to achieve them, and not worrying what others think.
DCRs are the best people to be around. I wish everyone was DCRs.
by Justicewithtacosandweed March 19, 2021
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when you feel like a gangsta and confident at the same time

originating from the song of the same name by devin millar
Random person: Man do i feel hoody today! i think we should go hang with our homies
by Justicewithtacosandweed August 1, 2022
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A security guard with a giant shopping cart that intervenes into a security guard pursuit, that attempts to ram and demolish the cart of a shopping cart racer head-on at full speed in order to demolish their cart.
1: The security is really on our tail now. I hope we make it out alive!
1: Phew, that was a close one wasn’t it man?
2: AHHH *he gets rammed by another one.*
by Justicewithtacosandweed August 8, 2018
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Someone who uses the internet really fast and works really fast. To the point where they are literally a blur and can achieve anything but sometimes annoy people with their excessive posting.

Hyperactivity is the main contributing factor.
That kid is cool. He’s a total condor at social media and his job at the Spotted Piglet being a bartender making very complex and unique complicated cocktails. I heard he had a mental breakdown last night though due to stress.
by Justicewithtacosandweed August 10, 2018
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