3 definitions by Julia-Inventor of the term

A slur for homeless people in Austin, Texas who spend time on Guadalupe Street between 21st and 29th Street, colloquially known as "The Drag". Used mainly by college kids and people on the wealthier side to emotionally justify cruelty towards those already experiencing terrible hardship.
"Ugh, look at those disgusting drag rats begging for food. I wouldn't even piss on one of them if they caught fire."

"I hate drag rats so much, they smell terrible and are sometimes rude. I don't understand why the cops let them stay here."
by Julia-Inventor of the term December 2, 2022
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A grumbled word which often indicates slight irritation or can be an indication that there is no good word to describe how you're feeling. Just a kind of blah feeling. Not strong enough to merit a curse word, but enough for meshi. Indicates a feeling of discontent.
Ugh, I've got work tomorrow...meshi.

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"Younger and More Beautiful Queen"

A reference to the prophecy made to Cersei. This could refer to Margery, Daenerys, or Sansa. There are many arguments about it on Tumblr.
Clearly the YMBQ is Margery.

Hell no, the YMBQ is Daenerys!

You're both wrong, the YMBQ is Sansa--she's the only one who didn't die.
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