2 definitions by Josh The Squash

Croner: Crooked Boner. An erection will magnify and amplify the curvature of your dong. This can make penetration very difficult and painful. However, my sexual philsophy is "no pain, no gain."
I saw this hot chick and my dong ballooned like a muh fucka. Unfortunately, due to being repeatedly kicked in my penis, it bent into my anus.
by Josh The Squash March 10, 2005
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The frequently used term "crooked erection" became inefficient and therefore had to be shortened into croner (crooked boner). Croner also refers to any object that resembles a crooked erection/phallus.
"Someone threw a rock at my groin when I was a kid and now I have a croner."

"That ogre carries his croner club every where he goes."

"If you come near me, I will beat you down with my croner."
by Josh The Squash May 8, 2005
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