7 definitions by Jonathan McTwattybollocks

A waster who is so stupid and pointless in their existence that they may as well not even have a brain or indeed a head in which to keep one. Someone who believes tracksuit bottoms and rock port boots look good together and thinks Argos jewellery is 'dead fukn classy like pet'.

Usually a scally,pikey,kev,townie, charver,trailer trash,cracker or indeed any form of looser
Deborah: Look at all those work shy pikeys in the 'Everythings a Pound' shop Charles...

Charles: Yes Deborah, see them grab at those poor quality goods like the cavemen they are. What an absolute bunch of neck enders.

Deborah: our so right Charles, I love you.

Charles: I love you too Deborah
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Lady dumblings, wabs, norks, baps etc.
My what a fine pair of babs, yummy yummy.
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To be short in the wallet department to the tune of none.
Oh damn and dash Crispin! I carnt afford to get monged tonight, I am compleatly brassic. Tits!
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see lady boy. A term describing a man who takes pleasure in pretending to be a lady. Not to be taken literally at all times, as subject my not be a puff nor trying to imitate a lady as such, more a slag or lady of the night, just ladyofthenightpuff is too long a word.
Mike: Oi Terry lets go to the Phillipines its full of lady puffs.

Terry: Right! I'll get my coat!
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The north eastern (UK) version of git.

A rather annoying person.
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(unfortunate then, that there is a chain of fish and Chip resturants in the North east of England under the that name).
Boy oh boy, its a hot one! My clems aint half sweaty.
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Colective for babs
I say Holmes, this years miss world contest holds a fine selection of babbage!

Yes Watson you randy old git!
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