121 definitions by JoeyBomm

The European way of saying covid virus.
My sister in Italy says she is under lockdown from the covidus virey.
by JoeyBomm December 5, 2020
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A little kids way of saying to an adult that they just threw up.
Mommy: Jimmy did you just throw up? Jimmy: Yes Mommy......... I frew up! 🤮
by JoeyBomm May 16, 2020
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A pair of pants or underpants that has been freshly pooped in or shows signs of past pooping mishaps.
Look at Jimmy standing there in his shit stained underpants. He's got crappy pants.
by JoeyBomm January 26, 2021
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When a man blows his load first thing in the morning.
I had early release this morning and can't wait for a nooner. I usually start off by rubbing her bean then jump in both feet first.
by JoeyBomm May 27, 2020
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Refers to the third man in a gang bang.
Jimmy it's your turn to throw that hoe a good fuckin. You are the third responder. Now get your ass in there and lay some pipe!
by JoeyBomm April 10, 2020
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Jimmy won't shut his jibberhole. He's drunk again and won't let anybody else talk.
by JoeyBomm June 27, 2023
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Refers to the act of smelling a stinky ass crack that smells like a smelt fish.
by JoeyBomm January 2, 2021
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