5 definitions by Jimmyjoe

Canadian prison slang for a big fight or prison riot.
"Hey man get your shit together!The coppers are locking down, we got us a Bingo!"
by Jimmyjoe March 1, 2005
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A big fat loser from the San Diego area who likes to behave inappropriately toward women.Also a term to describe a crossdresser who enjoys anal sex.
Man what a blue elephant that Harry is.
by Jimmyjoe March 1, 2005
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"Man DooDoogot himself hooked up in a jackpot with Cubby and now they're both doing 30 in the box."
by Jimmyjoe March 1, 2005
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Canadian prison slang for escaping lawful custody.
Inmate 1:"I never saw DooDoo at count this morning man."
Inmate 2:"Yeah man he made jackrabbit parole after lights out last night."
by Jimmyjoe March 1, 2005
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