5 definitions by Jewish microwave

A hypothetical women who wants to stop the ownership of exotic animals just so she can have the biggest tiger farm
That woman told me to not put my tiger in a cage when her tigers are in much smaller cages than mine, she must be Carole Baskin
by Jewish microwave April 9, 2020
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Often mistaken for a dance the song Wobble is talking when you take away an old persons cane and they begin to fall
Yo bro I just took this walker from and old man, he tried chasing me but he just wobbled there.
by Jewish microwave April 9, 2020
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The over hyped version of your mom. All grandma’s do are baked cookies and hang your school picture on the wall
Look at that baker lady, she’ll make a great grandma.
by Jewish microwave April 9, 2020
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The puff puff bar that can make any kid a zero to a hero in public schools
You see that kid with a vape we should let him fuck our moms!
by Jewish microwave September 4, 2020
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The realist and practical character of the Spongebob universe. Often referred to for his short temper or lack of enthusiasm. Regardless Squidward is the best Spongebob character.
Look at that guy over there he’s so down to earth but angers easily what a Squidward.
by Jewish microwave April 9, 2020
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