18 definitions by Jenny Cool

Extra energy and natural high experienced after seeing a Foo Fighter show or listening to their music.
Me: We didn’t get home until 3:30 AM and got only a couple hours of sleep, how are we going to make it until our 7:30 flight? Dave: The Foonergy will carry us through.
by Jenny Cool August 6, 2023
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Wore my pink coveralls to the Foo show on Friday. I got so many compliments, Foo Barbie for the win!
by Jenny Cool August 6, 2023
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A place (ex. wall, home, business) decorated Foo Fighter related art and ephemera.
Almost every room of my place has Foo Fighter treasures. I have cool lyric art in the bathroom, a beautiful poster from the Aug. 2023 Spokane show in my bedroom, and a framed photo of me with the man, the legend, Dave Grohl, along with my backstage pass, concert ticket and pick from Shifty framed in my office. It’s my own personal Footopia!
by Jenny Cool September 28, 2023
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Using your vacation to travel for a Foo Fighter show.
DS and I leave tomorrow for our Foocation! We are booked first class and at the nicest hotel in town. Epic times ahead!
by Jenny Cool August 2, 2023
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Friend or acquaintance that is divorced, with little or no connection to your ex, who provides support and guidance to a during the process of a divorce. They listen, give feedback and perspective, are a shoulder to cry on, and remind you that it gets better. May also be a good wing person or make out buddy, as long as they prioritize your tender heart over theirs.
My Divorce Yoda talked me down after my ex changed their mind, again, about wanting to keep or sell the house. They helped me see my frustration was more about my freedom than the decision.
by Jenny Cool September 8, 2022
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Natural high felt when rockin’ out to the Foo Fighters, seeing them live, and, if you are lucky, getting to meet/pic with the band.
I can’t believe I watched the Foo Fighter show from the best seats in the house and got to hang with some of the band! It was an epically Footastic time!
by Jenny Cool September 28, 2023
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Pot infused tequila. Most agree this sounds like a terrible idea. No good can come of this. Please do not attempt.
Friend: potka sounds fun, have you ever tried using tequila? Me: After the Magic Bubble experiment?!? Tequi-No!
by Jenny Cool July 21, 2023
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