3 definitions by Jeffrey Madl

Pronounced fuh-go
1. A female who happens be both fat and ugly as hell.

2. A female who is so fucking ugly and fat that when looking at it bile begins to creep up one's throat.
by Jeffrey Madl July 5, 2006
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The male version of the female landing strip. It is achieved when a male is inteding to shave his pubic region and leaves one fine veritcal strip of pubic hair leading from the belly button down to the penis or shlong as it may be called.
Man Eric just got bored with his razor and made himslef a manding strip to lead to fine-ass bitches home.
by Jeffrey Madl July 5, 2006
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Has two requirements: hookers and blow. Once both of the aforementioned are obtained one must then aquire a spicy hot boner. Once all of these have come together make a line of blow on the aforementioned spicy hot boner using a credit card and/or fingers (razors could be quite painful). To then aquire the desired result have the hooker snort the blow off. For added fun a mushroom stamp can always be added to remind the hooker who is boss.
Last night I got some good hooker and had her bring over some blow. I had that bitch give me a snort job and then slapped my mushroom dick across her face. It only cost me 5 bucks!
by Jeffrey Madl July 5, 2006
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