537 definitions by James

seen in the film wrong turn this is how wibble laughs when he is drunk and he wants to bone his step sister
leos when i almost hit him
by James December 17, 2004
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Vee means someone who discovered drinking and is usually a one shot wonder when it comes to hard liquor.
by James January 22, 2004
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One lame ass company with a bunch of ghey loosers with purple uniforms that like to steal packages.
Hey Bob?? Remember my bomb plan to blow up that job place of mine??? I got the perfect plan, lets call Fedex.
by James January 29, 2005
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Gaming god. Players pray to this god when they need someone to play with or when they need skill in their game.
DoctorEvol owns your soul!
by James March 4, 2005
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not quite a solid, but nptauie a liquid therefore a sliquid
by James October 5, 2002
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Damfoo is a combination of two phrases:

1: Damn you
2: Fool

Therefore, it is logical that the word Damfoo means "damned fool!"
by James April 25, 2005
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