4 definitions by Jagged

A person who dates guys, girls, and people in between.
I like /people/--gender issues need not apply.
by Jagged February 25, 2005
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A man with minimal muscle development, usually young.
Every last one of the guys on this beach looks like a tube.
by Jagged April 1, 2005
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In referance to a hacker - A hacker or even a cracker who uses his skills only in either legal or "friendly" activities.. or to trap/interupt the actions of script kiddies and other distructive activities.
The security analyst was a white hat.
by Jagged September 17, 2003
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A beautiful smart independent lady probably all the boys want her except the ones she wants
Dude:You did you see Feliziya today

Guy:Yeah she’s perfect
by Jagged March 21, 2018
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