187 definitions by Jafje

Freedom from unpleasant consequences: Exemption from punishment, harm, or recrimination.

When you have impunity, you could have done anything you would have wanted. There are no consequences.
by Jafje April 3, 2007
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1. Restrict: To limit the power of something or somebody to act independently.

2. Enclose within geometric shape: To draw one geometric figure around another so that they touch at every corner vertex (corner) of the enclosed figure or at every side of the enclosing figure without cutting across each other.
by Jafje April 10, 2007
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1) U.K. criticism: a series of insulting, mocking, or critical comments.

2) USA: To sleep with someone.

1) I took a right slagging over that haircut.
2) He's always slagging with his kid brother - it's disgusting.

by Jafje June 6, 2007
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1. To make somebody drunk with alcohol or stupefied with drugs or other substances.

2. To make somebody intensely excited or overjoyed, often so much so that the person becomes irrational.
If you're making someone drunk, you're busy to intoxicate him.
by Jafje May 6, 2007
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European country North of belgium, east of the UK and west of Germany. The people there speak Dutch. The Netherlands is also known as Holland, however Holland is just a province. The capital of The Netherlands is Amsterdam.

Non-Dutch people often think that the language Dutch is German. THIS IS NOT TRUE! Dutch is NOT german for german, but Dutch for Dutch.

In Dutch:
"Ik ben Nederlands."
"I'm Dutch."

I'm Dutch, I'm from The Netherlands and I speak Dutch.
by Jafje September 3, 2007
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A type of white blood cells that produces antibodies which fight disease.

If you are to stay healthy, you need lymphocyte in your body.
by Jafje May 10, 2007
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A person who thinks he's always right, even if he is not. Often very arrogant and commonly hated or despised by many people.
by Jafje June 6, 2007
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