3 definitions by JChar!es

A behavioral disorder in which one determines anybody and everything is suspicious and troublesome. Usually accompanied by an increasing hate for the homeless community, city council members, and airplanes flying at night. Syndrome generally occurs after joining Nextdoor.com, a social media website.
Nextdoor member #1
"We used to get these people coming up to us in parking lots where we were shopping. Scams all of them!"

Nextdoor member #2
"Lol , listen to you....lol....you have a bad case of Nextdoor Syndrome!"
by JChar!es March 25, 2020
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The abridged version of "fucking ridiculous". When "fucking ridiculous" is either too long to type cause it won't fit, no time for all those characters, profanity is not allowed, etc..
This traffic is fridiculous!!!

Mary, while driving, texted Paul "This traffic is fridiculous!" instead of "This traffic is fucking ridiculous!", effectively reducing her negligent driving time(texting while driving) to a minimum.
by JChar!es April 24, 2021
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T.D.S. is a little-known syndrome that manifests itself usually during online forum discussions of a political nature. While sharing the same initials as the famous "Trump Derangement Syndrome," it is loosely related to "Trump Derangement Syndrome" in that discussions regarding Trump end up being "deflected" to an unrelated topic, hence "Tim Deflection Syndrome." It can happen with any case at any time, though.
T.D.S or Tim Deflection Syndrome
Non-T.D.S or Tim Deflection Syndrome discussion flow -

Person A - "Did Trump say the election was rigged?"
Person B in response to Person A - "Yes, I believe Trump did say the election was rigged."

T.D.S or Tim Deflection Syndrome discussion flow -
Person A - "Did Trump say the election was rigged?"
Person B(inflicted with T.D.S. or Tim Deflection Syndrome) in response to Person A - "How about those Dodgers?!?"
by JChar!es March 5, 2022
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