1 definition by IxFuriousJxI

1) A term used to describe inconsistencies and epic fails in any game made by the company, Treyarch.

When such things happens a person becomes enraged with the game they are playing, but passively put it off knowing they have been Treyarched.

2) The art of being trolled by the company Treyarch.

A. Prolonged exposure to being Treyarched can lead to multiple rages and the buying of many controllers. If your friend suffers from being Treyarched, it is best to get him away from the game as soon as possible, or he will become medically insane.
Dude wtf!? How did i hit him when my aim was off, but when I followed him perfectly none of my rounds hit and he killed me? I just got Treyarched man.
by IxFuriousJxI April 16, 2011
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