15 definitions by Iwantfrineds

Noun - What I imagine a massive amount of murders (groups) of crows are called. If it hasn't been proven wrong, I am correct in my assumption.
I saw a massacre of crows sitting on my roof yesterday. They're currently surrounding my house.
by Iwantfrineds March 30, 2023
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Noun - The phobia of doors. This is possibly triggered by being hit in the face by doors, whether by someone slamming in your face or by sheer "miscalculations".
Doctor A: You got a full patient load?
Doctor B: No, just a guy who wants to cure his dourenenophobia.
Doctor A: Good luck with that. The first obstacle is getting him in your office...
by Iwantfrineds March 28, 2023
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A Russian search engine. Serves other places, too. The results are useful. If you can read them.
A: What search engine should I use today?
B: Yandex.
A: Bruh.
by Iwantfrineds December 22, 2020
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Noun - A letter of any alphabet that is symmetrical when cut in any direction, be it lengthwise or other.
Uppercase A is a hallettrome when split from the top. Lowercase X is one as well, but this time both length- and width-wise
by Iwantfrineds March 31, 2023
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A theory which states that a mysterious force causes people to replace others' names if they start with a J and end with an N. Works 10 - 15% of the time.
Example of the J-N-Names Theory:

Jadon: *Walks into class*
Teacher: Good morning, Jonathon!
Jadon: (Internally) THAT'S NOT MY NAME!!!
by Iwantfrineds March 28, 2023
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Adj. - Used to describe an idea, concept, or object in which when being looked upon or described, it sounds extremely messed up and should not exist based on standard moral parameters.

Note: This term is used to denote anything dirty, sexual-looking, or just plain weird, not psychotic expressionism

Synonyms: brainf***, mindf***
Dad: Hey there, son. Whatcha doin'?
Son: *Looking*
Dad: That's brainbroke, son
by Iwantfrineds March 28, 2023
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A cancerous site I probably should not be on, and neither should you.
Don’t use Urban Dictionary, son. It’s cursed.
by Iwantfrineds December 22, 2020
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