20 definitions by Ironbrand

- A member of a French commune

- The more pejorative definition: an ultra-violent French Marxist faction that arose at the conclusion of the Franco-Prussian war with the sole intent of throwing down the government and creating a proletariat paradise. The end result they sought was a fully state owned infra with high taxes and few freedoms. In this description, a communard is no better then a Trotskyite red; it is a fact that when the reds sought to bring their revolution to the world starting in 1918, France and Bulgaria were the most receptive to their message and as such were guilty of some repugnant actions in the name of Communism. Contrast France's actions with that of Germany or the UK to get a better picture.
"You americans need more government control; the freedom you have is a danger to the world."

"Freedom is a dangerous thing...especially to those who would deny it. Freedom could cause independent thought; can't have that!"

"The french believe in and support their government; they know what is best for their citizens. The high taxes we pay guarantee a working state, with out the dangerous freedoms you americans have!

(Middle finger gesture) Spoken like a true filthy Communard; shove your red faction bullshit up your ass!
by Ironbrand December 8, 2006
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Dipping The Wench - A pirate term for what the shipmates want to do after being stuck at sea for so long.
Eight months at see tis the tavern for me!
I'll show 'er me gold then I'll dench 'til I'm cold!
by Ironbrand June 25, 2006
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In the political realm, an aspect of a candidate that will cost them votes no matter how they spin the situation. This is factually based on the Election of 1960 where John F. Kennedys's religion cost him votes. A woman running for president would have such a factor attached.
John F. Kennedy was a practicing Catholic and the first such Catholic running for president. Due to this fact of his religion, it cost him votes in the election. A number of Nixon votes were for the most part Anti-Kennedy, not Pro-Nixon. Since that time, such an unavoidable factor against a candidate was referred to as a Kennedy Factor.
by Ironbrand January 21, 2007
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a person who is misunderstood at times, but intelligent, affectionate and very cuddly
Her husband treats her like shit, but she sure is a Beccles!
by Ironbrand August 6, 2006
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An alternative name for the compound Polonium-210 that was used to kill a critic of the Putin Administration in London. Polonium is so rare or a naturally occuring radioactive Isotope that it has to be created. The sheer gall of the action, however, is nothing in comparison to the big picture. Russia is but a shadow of what the USSR once was; they are in essence a third world country with no real infrastructure of consequence. On top of this assasination, two Anti-Putin Journalists were also killed. The Bear is not buried at all; it lays silent in the shadows, wounded, angry, and above all, dangerous.
The Putinium (Polonium-210) used in the assassination of the former KGB operative in London was traced back to a Russian Nuclear plant. Go figure.....1918 replay....the Bear Rising.
by Ironbrand January 29, 2007
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In geo-political denotation, an agreement that once signed, causes an end to hostilities PROVIDED that the conditions to the aforementioned agreemnet are met. Failure to comply with the accord conditions can result in the original action stopped by the Accord to be carried out as if no agreement was ever effected.
Germany and Japan are still bound by Accords both signed in 1945, stating that if they ever became belligerents in their respective theatres again, the allies would crush them. These Accords are still in effect.

Saddam Hussein signed an Accord in 1991 allowing him to retain power PROVIDED:

1.) He destroyed his WMD stockpiles and showed proof of their disposal.

2.) That he stand down his military arm and cease to be a threat to the gulf region

3.) That he forfeit and disavow all claims to Kuwait and other regions.

Said Accord trumped any other agreements that he had with such entities as the UN. When Saddam refused to comply with the Accord, Iraq was invaded (An action that was halted due to the 1991 Accord) and Saddam was removed as a leadership entity. It is interesting to note that the UN refused to enforce the Accord due to not only the UN profiting from trading with Saddam ( in violation of a trade embargo) but France, Russia and Australia were also found complicit in this action.
by Ironbrand January 27, 2007
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Congratulations Google, caving in so as to offer that which will keep the Communist Chinese in power for even a longer time, delaying the day when they have freedom.


An insipid, pale version of Google, the celebrated search engine, soon to be approved for prison-labor pestholes across the world. It is only a matter of time before the Capitalistic tendencies of the Chinese collide with the Communist government and grind it under their feet. Thanks Google for postponing that day. Next, will there be Google.ME?
"You There!!! We were monitoring your internet usage and we saw you look up the word 'Freedom'!"

"I was not! I was using the state approved Google.cn!"

"Comrades, he was using Google.com! Look in Cache!! 10

Years in Laobang Gaizou!!!
by Ironbrand February 14, 2006
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