1 definition by InfernoKitsune

He's just.. well.. an amazing person. He's an awesome friend, and if you get him as a boyfriend, you damn well better keep him! If you get him as both a bestfriend and a boyfriend, well, you're extremely lucky! He's an absolute dork, and knows how to make someone smile. He may have troubles expressing his negative emotions at times- mainly sadness- but you can tell when he's down. If he is, help cheer him up! He'll be thankful that you helped him and lifted his spirits. He's extremely committed to who he loves, and what he loves. He'll make sure to at least sneak in some time to be with what he loves the most(Guitar, cars, music, lover, etc).

As a boyfriend, he will make sure that you know that he loves you almost every time you talk with him, which is just an adorable plus. You can trust him with anything. Ayden is also known to deny compliments, but don't let that stop you from complimenting him! Of course, he may complement you back to try and get you to blush, but that's how you know he adores you and loves you. He loves to give his lover warm, genuine, comforting hugs that make you feel safe and protected. He absolutely LOVES to snuggle on the couch, or wherever is comfortable at the time! A very protective, loving, and caring boy indeed.

Long story short.. If you ever meet an Ayden, keep him! Whether it's as a friend, or a lover. If it's a lover.. stay with him. He's the best person to ever exist. And, if he ever asks you to marry him, say yes! I know I would!
(Names are Random)

Natalie: "Awwe, it's your 8 month anniversary with Ayden? How sweet!"

Crysta: *Embarrassed giggling.* "Yeah, he's the best. I wouldn't trade him for the world."
by InfernoKitsune July 9, 2019
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