116 definitions by Icy Wyte

1. A rapper
2. Another way to say that you ate the booty without everybody knowing what you are talking about.
Jack: So hey, how'd it go with Maxine last night?
Bill: Oh man, it was a total Kevin Gates!
Jack: Wow, good for you man!

Bystander: What did he just say? What does he mean by a Kevin Gates?
Other bystander: Ay I don't know, I thought Kevin Gates was a rapper.
by Icy Wyte July 4, 2022
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An awesome fucking rapper with great flow, lyricism and wordplay who can shit all over kendrick lamar any day. Not only is he one of the two GOATS of this generation (along with J. Cole), but he has also managed to drop what might just be the greatest hip hop album of this decade with All-Amerikkkan Bada$$, an album with a strong message that you can play from start to finish. Unlike most hip hop albums of today which are usually filled with filler songs about money, cars and bitches, Joey was able to stick to the point for the entire album and every song was well-produced. Many people won't admit it yet, but Joey has a modern day classic under his belt!
When people call Kendrick Lamar the goat of this generation, I be like "bro, you must never have heard of Joey Bada$$!"
by Icy Wyte June 14, 2018
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Bob: Drake is the goat!
Bill: No Lil Wayne is.
Tim: They're both goats!
by Icy Wyte June 20, 2022
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Lil Wyte is a fucking goat, he's blessed us with so many timeless albums and songs, from Doubt Me Now all the way to his self-titled album in 2018, the man is a fucking goat and has so many great songs that you can't just have one favorite, because there's so many flame ass songs to choose from that are all so good. The man is a goat and it's about time we put some respec on his name!
by Icy Wyte July 1, 2022
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Another rapper who was once a good rapper but is now just another slow ass retard who isn't even worth listening to. All of his songs after 2013 are shit, he raps in the same boring, low energy and non lyrical style, his new music is only good for when you can't sleep. If you want to hear some actual good music from Yo Gotti, listen to the album Life. That's when Gotti could actually rap and actually sounded like a Memphis rapper. At that time it seemed like he would be the next big Memphis rapper, but that didn't happen so instead he sold out and watered down for more fame.
Nobody listens to Yo Gotti anymore
by Icy Wyte July 1, 2022
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Somebody who falls in love with strippers, buys drinks for the bartender at 5:00 in the morning and seriously needs to take their ass to church!
Guy1: What ever happened to T-Pain? He used to be so big, why did his career fall off so hard?
Guy2: He was too busy falling in love with strippers and buying drinks for the bartender that he wasn't able to focus on his music career and he fell off.
Guy1: I can't believe it!
Guy2: I know right!
by Icy Wyte October 21, 2022
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Far superior to Kendrick Lamar fans. Unlike Lamar fans, J Cole fans are a lot more humble. (ha!) and they can accept some criticism of him and can even point out when he comes with a weak verse or wack line, unlike Kendrick fans who berate anybody who has even the smallest criticism of him.
Random person: Yo I think KOD was a trash album Kendrick's damn was way better.
J. Cole fan: It wasn't trash, but it was a bit disappointing. Definitely not his best work.

J Cole fan: J Cole is my favorite rapper of today, but his fart/shit lines are corny af, what was he thinking saying those lines?
J Cole fan2: I know right? Oh well...at least his other great lyrics make up for that.

Random person: I don't really like Kendrick Lamar all that much. I respect his talent, but he isn't the best.
Kendrick Lamar fan: Fuck you! You're just another ignorant retard who knows nothing about hip hop or black culture! Go listen to eminem fuckboy!

Random person: I think J Cole is a bit better than Kendrick
Kendrick fan: Whaaaaat? How can someone even think something like that? I wish I could meet your parents so I could ask them where they failed with you. I feel bad for them for having such an idiot for a kid, Kendrick is the best rapper of all time and is perfect in every way you fucking cac!
by Icy Wyte June 30, 2022
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