2 definitions by Iamrillysmart

Named for the robot Vicki on the sitcom, Small Wonder, a small wonder is a mundane girl with a glazed over look in her eyes, who drones on and on in a monotone voice, and fake laughs at all your jokes.
Guy: How was your blind date last night?

Guy’s Friend: Ugh, she was a real small wonder!
by Iamrillysmart July 30, 2018
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Often confused with the term used by stutterers who attend University of New Hampshire, UNH UNH is actually a synonym for Quagmire’s “giggity, giggity, allll right!” Or Beavis and Butthead’s sophomoric heckling.
Dude: Hey, did you just see that chick with the big tits?

Dude’s friend: UNH UNH!
by Iamrillysmart July 30, 2018
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