2 definitions by ISLAND_GIRL

Siliva is an amazing person!!! Handsome, smart and sporty. All the girls want him. Typically they have dark coloured skin and amazing hair along with beautiful eyes. VERY respectful and appreciative. Has many secret admirers but is very loyal to his partner. Siliva is worth it so don’t play games with him, be there for him. Whether it be as a friend or a partner!!!!
Girl 2: YASSS. He’s amazing right!!!!!!!
by ISLAND_GIRL November 3, 2019
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Kimo is a name mainly used in the Pacific Islands (Samoa, Tonga, Cook Islands, Hawaii...ect) However it is originally A Hawaiian name.

Kimo translates to Timothy in Hawaiian

People with the name Kimo are very kind people with big hearts. They love the people who are close to them but have a hard time expressing themselves. They can be very good at enforcing rules, whether it is the easy way or the hard way. Never think that they don’t care for you, they really do care but it takes time for them to express it. They are very sensitive, caring and shy people. Always take your time with them, they’ll come around.
Someone: “Hey Kimo, hows it going”
Kimo: “Good, what bout you”
by ISLAND_GIRL May 22, 2019
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