3 definitions by HugeCockLittleBrainAndy

Basically the two options of an immigrant to get fucked by the orange species of human kind, aka. Trumpinator:
1. Getting banned
2. Marring him

Either way you're screwed.
Greg: Dude why tf is Melania Trump still married to this scumbag?
Paul: Man, it's trumped or trumped

Rip af Melina
by HugeCockLittleBrainAndy February 1, 2017
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The way Dutch people quote Trump's "Grab her by the poosi" without disturbing their children and staying politically correct.
Greg: I think female independence is a major step for equalit---
PaulAnde: Just grab 'em by the pony
by HugeCockLittleBrainAndy February 2, 2017
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The moment when you need your motherfucking-homie-internet-connection the most but it instead prefers to freaking backstab your ass and dies.
Gregpaulande: dude, I was sitting in my exam and wanted to google this shit to answer the shitass question and guess wtf happened?

AnDe: OMG what ?

Gregpaulande: connection rape af
by HugeCockLittleBrainAndy February 2, 2017
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