22 definitions by HmmmYouDontKnowIt

a "legal" form of mental torture to a minor
I'll rather burn on fire than doing the legal form of mental torture to a minor ( Homework )
by HmmmYouDontKnowIt December 9, 2021
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Bad country in Down-Right Assia. It's national anthem is Fuck because it is recognized in 1398 in London. This country so bad i almost dead when i enter. Bad country is even birthplace for the worst dictator in the world, Dragonsnow. Taiwan is found in toilet by Shing Shong.
The games there are fuck. I got apeshit when i realise Changed is Taiwan. -682737373773/10 It worse than Kanye North Gayrea
Taiwan is no good
by HmmmYouDontKnowIt April 15, 2022
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Man, i got a Tœ
Why is your toe square ?
by HmmmYouDontKnowIt September 21, 2021
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by HmmmYouDontKnowIt September 21, 2021
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Something that should be exterminated.
They are all r*pists, zoophiles and p*dophiles
Person 1: Hey dude i am one of the Furries now!
Person 2: So you are getting exterminated at 5/8/2022 7:43:18:78 Am
by HmmmYouDontKnowIt March 7, 2022
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You godamm Furry don't just say that emoticon. i will activate my stand.... DEADLY QUEEN! BITE ZA BRUH!
by HmmmYouDontKnowIt February 6, 2021
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A furry is 100% a Manchild.
They are manchildren who easily get fucking offended.
It is hard to belive that for example a 30 year old man says uwu. What the fuck has humanity become.

Why would they become a fucking animal when they are already one, a fat fucking swine on weed.

Their usual daily basis is to fuck animals, fuck children and even fuck corpses.
That Furry is about to fucking rape me to death!
by HmmmYouDontKnowIt April 14, 2022
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