40 definitions by Hixxz68

A friend of yours on Fitbit or Apple watch that you are in accountability with has a dramatically low step count on a particular week or ongoing basis. 10,000 steps a day should be a pretty good barometer for most healthy active human beings. If that number drops to 50% or less your "friend contract" requires an announcement of a low steps violation.
Our buddy Nappman moves about as much as a three-toed sloth, he's consistently getting a shout out for a low steps violation.
by Hixxz68 June 13, 2019
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It’s the reality that when a GenZ member agrees at the end of a conversation, they say 100%. That agreement isn’t agreement; it sounds solid, but if they feel slightly different in five minutes, the weather changes, Or popular opinion shifts on a dime, they’re no longer 100%; they’re Dada%, which means they’re not on board or agree in any way anymore.
I’m baffled because Shane said he was 100% and was coming over to hang, but then I see in his feeds that he went out to a party; I guess he was Dada%.
by Hixxz68 February 26, 2023
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A Maybe-Person is the type of individual that, when invited to events, always says, "I'll try." The hour of the event tends to be a coin flip depending on the weather, their feelings, or if nothing else better comes up. A Maybe-Person has no compass or code, led by their emotions like a butterfly with her helmet on. This behavior is highly problematic, and they have difficulty daily with simple decision-making activities.
Woody Goldblum, a.k.a. the Swan, said he would like to try to make it out to dinner, but because he felt a little stressed about travel plans (the next day), he canceled again at the 11th hour and confirmed that he was a Maybe-Person.
by Hixxz68 March 2, 2023
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Nonplayer characters are a concept that most video game fans are familiar with; filler in a scene, though they may have a part in the script, not primary or even secondary; they are a background fabrication. They don't usually have defined roles or characters, the equivalency of a cardboard cut-out video image. The Nonplayer character vibe is when somebody puts off a feeling reminiscent of the empty, soulless vacuum of a nonplayer character.
I mentioned to a buddy that we were going through a tough time because of some weather conditions; he let me know that they were staying at five-star accommodations while skiing, and they had a hot tub and sauna; that was when I realized he was putting off an NPC-Vibe.
by Hixxz68 March 1, 2023
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Someone who repeatedly confuses, without remorse, what text thread they are on and posts the wrong information, pictures, comments, and memes.
We got a colossal school lesson plan sent on our text thread for the "Family" today, and we realized that it was my honey with yet another Wrong Thread Violation.
by Hixxz68 November 3, 2022
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A fantasy football participant that has some element of power usually a commissioner that tends to always have the first pick in the draft at a percentage that defies statistical probability, they approve trades for themselves quickly and for others, they drag their feet or block the trades, they manipulate the waivers to their advantage and almost scoring tends to shift according to their whims and strength of their team. The fantasy criminals have their beta male participants in the form of mind control and a trance-induced state where they don't see any problem occurring.
Al, our fantasy football Commissioner, was blessed with the first pick in the draft again; that's three out of the last five years; it's mathematically impossible also, he put a quarterback in a tight end position to win some games and had a fantastic trade that should have been reviewed by the group that he approved( luckily it just happened to be for himself), that Al sure is a lucky guy or a fantasy-criminal.
by Hixxz68 October 16, 2022
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Something that catches your eye or interests that you decide is an item you would add to your bucket list or that you still need to put on the list, subsequently an existing list objective that can be completed with a bit of action.
Wolfie noticed that Dave Chapelle and Chris Rock were coming to town and convinced me to go; he exclaimed that he was sparing no expense because it was a bucketworthy event.
by Hixxz68 November 8, 2022
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