4 definitions by Hispanic Master

Similar to the friendzone but is caused by an extreme time difference. There is still hope left if you are in the timezone!
Usually occurs when a girl you're simping on lives so far away that she's never online when you are.
Person 1: "When I'm online, she isn't and when she is, I'm not!"
Person 2: "Haha you simp, you got timezoned!"
by Hispanic Master June 11, 2020
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A punishment used by Arab and Hispanic parents to punish they're children when they try to run away.
Christian child: "How do your parents punish you?"
Arab/Hispanic Kid: "Have you heard of sandal throwing?"
by Hispanic Master October 24, 2019
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A technique used by Arab/Hispanic children to protect themselves from a brutal punishment.
Christian kid: "How do you protect yourself from your parents' brutal punishments"
Hispanic/Arab kid: "Have you heard of sandal dodging?"
by Hispanic Master October 24, 2019
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What teachers call their students when they think they are switching tabs
Student: *swipes*
Teacher: Stop swiping swiper
by Hispanic Master October 30, 2019
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