1 definition by HillzLNB

Dark haired, cagey and mysterious enigma that constantly has hot men running through her house. Lover of vodka (all flavors - just check her purse) Can wrangle up male models like no other. Doesn't take shit from anyone and won't hesitate to cut a bitch if you mess with her or her bitches. Also known to be a bit clumsy and prone to injure herself easily.

Statement or fact made from the often hilarious, somewhat mysterious, and always cagey Ellie Lovenbooks

Twitter quote that includes an Ellieism: "ellieisms".... I'm kind of addicted. Maybe because of the 'isms' and makes me think of orgasms.
Her review was filled with lots of humor and Ellieisms
by HillzLNB June 19, 2013
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