3 definitions by HiThere383329

When you show support for a mob and then you start running away from it.
Look at Josh Hawley, he was hawlin' ass at the capital during January 6th.
by HiThere383329 July 25, 2022
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These people are a disgrace to all of humanity, they are the world’s biggest scumbags. They make up a bunch of promises in front of many people while running for office, and toss all of those promises out a window once they successful get elected. They make up more lies than a car dealer salesman. They waste more taxpayer money than people who borrow money for a college tuition or buy a cup of Starbucks coffee. They don't care about the people, they only want to get elected for self-interest or work for interest groups. They are dumber than young children who use the internet. If they each had a nose like Pinocchio, their noses would be longer than the milky way galaxy. Many of their polices have resulted in great economic harm, mass inequality, and the deaths of many people. It doesn't matter who you vote for, which political party they are part of, which country they supposedly represent, they are all nothing but a bunch of liars and crooks.
Politicians are literally the worst people to ever exist.
by HiThere383329 March 5, 2022
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A huge scam invented by De Beers Group to trick people into spending thousands of dollars for a metal ring with some shiny stone on it.
Why should we buy a wedding ring? Those things are a waste money! We both already know that we love each other, so let's go get married already. No need to buy an overpriced ring.
by HiThere383329 February 8, 2022
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