4 definitions by HelloUnicorns1234

The most beautiful girl in the world. She is so awesome. Dareen's are very talented, and are very persuasive. Dareen's can argue their ways into anything.
by HelloUnicorns1234 February 2, 2018
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In arabic Dareen means the most beautiful girl in the world. It also means the Island of beautiful smelling perfume and flowers.
Person 1: How does Dareen smell so good?
Person 2: Because she is a Dareen obisouly and all Dareen's smell good and look good, its a fact.
by HelloUnicorns1234 February 10, 2018
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A Dareen is super Nice and kind. She is also very smat and talented. A Dareen doesnt need to wear any makeup, because she looks hot without it.
Boy 1: Does Dareen wear any makeup
Boy 2: No she doesn't need to. She's so pretty without it.
Boy 1: WOW
by HelloUnicorns1234 February 10, 2018
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A Leyan can get away with anything. Usually a Leyan is short. A Leyan also needs to wear a lot of makeup.
Person 1: I wish I was you're hight
Person 2:Me too Leyan is so lucky she is short
by HelloUnicorns1234 February 10, 2018
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