9 definitions by Harmony08

A status update or tweet that gives half information about a potentially catastrophic event in a persons personal life, that causes others to respond with urgency even though they have no idea what happened. Both components are required: the narcissist who teases the information to draw lots of attention and the sympathy whores who take the bait.
Facebook status update: "Just got out of the hospital, I can't believe what happened to me."
Debra: "OMG, what happened?"
Sue: "Are you okay? What happened?"
Sally: "I'm here for you as always"
Jan: "I'm praying for you and your family"
Joe: "Out with the story already, stop it with the narcissympathy."

Initial Tweet: "Fingers cross, waiting on my test results."
Debra: "OMG, what happened?"
Sue: "Are you okay? What happened?"
Sally: "I'm here for you as always"
Jan: "I'm praying for you and your family"
Joe: "That sounds kind of personal. But I guess you must have needed your narcissympathy fix."
by Harmony08 August 10, 2011
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Growing up with a sibling of the same age or in the same grade that came about through the parent's remarriage.
My life forever changed the day I became a step-twin.

We don't know what our parents were thinking having step-twins.

Parent to school: Please don't put the step-twins in the same class next year. We don't think it'd be a very good idea at all.

Step-twins are the ultimate fraternal twins, as they not only came from two different eggs, but also two different mothers and two different fathers. Thus, step-twins almost never look alike.
by Harmony08 December 16, 2010
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