4 definitions by Greg-K

The historic county of England where, like elsewhere, most people dislike the prince and his wife.
What do people in Sussex think about the prince and his wife?
We don't typically like them!
by Greg-K February 28, 2023
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The equivalent of "Smack Wally". An alternate form of the "Spot the Pony" title of features in young girl's annuals.
Doon MacKichan: "At first we called it Spot the Pony because that's what you have in those young girls' annuals. Then Kevin Lygo suggested Smack the Pony... People think it's a reference to something sexual but in fact it's a made-up thing."
by Greg-K May 30, 2020
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Care minimally about something.
She didn't give a Teacup Yorkie's shit about it
by Greg-K May 19, 2022
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Male Exclusionary Radical Feminist, a feminist who takes the position that people of the male sex (people whose xy chromosomes signify them as being genetically male) should, by default, be excluded from spaces and sports etc. that are designated for females.

MERFs specifically claim the right to exclude males from provisions designated for females, though MERFs may still encourage and support the safe and sensitive inclusion of all natal males in other forms of provision.
Though often wrongly described as TERFs, MERFs object to the entry of any male into spaces and sports.. designated for females.
They're not even that radical.
by Greg-K August 19, 2023
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