11 definitions by GoinRoje

(noun.) - a title given to or assumed by a person running a tabletop roleplaying game experience. This person is assumed to know most (if not all) of the rules, own the game books and must be committed to creating an immersive and interactive fantasy world. This person will also dispense imaginary beatdowns to your beloved characters and cackle with glee when rolling critical hits against them. See also: DM
"Ohh, holy crap! The Dunjinmasta rolled natural 20s on both of those attacks! Your tits got lit!"
by GoinRoje May 5, 2021
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verb. To finish ejaculating in the most ball-draining manner until not a drop of semen remains.
"He cumbleeted onto her funbags until he was totally empty."
by GoinRoje December 12, 2021
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noun. a person whose behavior is so selfish, vulgar and disturbing as to mark them as being far beyond the definition of merely being an asshole.
"What.. an Aysa-HOLE! That guy parked his Cadillac Douchecalade across two handicapped spots!"
by GoinRoje July 1, 2021
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noun. an occasion where two people "mutual" (exchange work tours,) then one of them takes an excused absence.
verb. the act of taking part in or requesting such an occasion.
"He's going to take a myoochoobatooch."
by GoinRoje July 1, 2021
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(noun) - a large volume of flatulence that once released (accompanied by tear-causing, noxious fumes sure to make anyone gag,) heralds at best. the arrival of a ginormous baby arm of a turd or at worst, the hot liquid death of explosive, sphincter-burning diarrhea. This poop-blocking fart must be held in at the expense of painful, stabbing bowel cramps lest the horrors of this diseased colon be unleashed upon the world. Elderly European women make the sign of the cross when such a foul harbinger of doom is heard or smelled, milk will spoil, small children and those of weak constitutions will cry and the lids of indoor mausoleums and sarcophogi will crack open, spilling the corpses interred within. It's bad. Real bad. When the Great Seal of the corkfart is broken, hell will reign upon the Earth.
"Sweet Baby Jesus, what IS that smell? Hast thou released.. the fartcork? Lord in Heaven deliver us from.. gAk! CAN'T.. breathe..!"
by GoinRoje May 5, 2021
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noun. a delightful beverage to be sipped while cackling evilly or just fun to watch as they stream down the cheeks of the broken wretches you have utterly defeated. These may be gathered after activities such as revealing a bun in the oven is your doing, opening a giant can of whoop-ass or targeting an uncooperative captive's homeworld with planet-destroying lasers from a fully armed and operational battlestation.
"I don't always drink the Tears of My Enemies but when I do.. I hear their dying echoes.."
by GoinRoje May 5, 2021
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noun. Any of the Star Wars prequels or sequels, numbered Episodes 1 - 3 and 7 - 9. These movies proved that George Lucas had lost touch with the franchise, become a soulless hack and passed the torch to deficient assheads to figuratively rape and murder a beloved intellectual property.
"I think there a tiny bits of the weaquels that are cool, but overall they're a collection of poorly written trash. They stink worse than I imagine Rancor diarrhea would. I think by far the worst scene is when Luke drinks blue tiddie milk right from the source."
by GoinRoje December 12, 2021
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