2 definitions by George Prescott Plant

An oxy - moron philosophy,that was invented by both oxen and morons;a contradictory term practiced in detail by and exported to nations like Iraq and Afghanistan compliments of the current U.S.-NWO "crime,oil and dope cabal"under the guise of humanitarianism and freedom(LOL);an oxymoron that is more ridiculous then most.
We have to deliver FASCIST-FREEDOM to the Arab people,even if it kills them,Senator Bloombush.
by George Prescott Plant December 5, 2003
Following BUSH or any other dictator "blindly";a genocidal military "yes-man"(or woman);an idiotic patriot.
GOLLY,Captain BUSH,I can hardly wait until we can start killing people ,in the name of FREEDOM.Sergeant Shrub,you have the PATRI-IDIOTIC mind and philosophy that our President just loves,now follow me men,so we can demonstrate "fascist-freedom".
by George Prescott Plant December 5, 2003
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