2 definitions by Gashbasher

A person you fuck, but only at parties. This can either be agreed upon or just repeatedly happen unplanned. Similar to a fuck buddy
1. Louise: Hey Jim... that party was great. You wanna meet up again sometime soon?

Jim: Nah, you were just a party fuck.

2. Elmo: If this party isn't going great later on, I'll be your party fuck.

Hayley: Yeh ok, I'll come find you if I'm bored.
by Gashbasher May 1, 2007
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1. An alternative to many words for one's girlfriend; slag, whore, bitch, piece of ass etc, u can use it because most people don't actually know its offensive, even in front of your girlfriend.

2. Diss for an extremely annoyin dozy, slow, pervy, bingo wings girl/french teacher.
1. Jim is in town on his phone to his homeboy ben when his girlfriend arrives and waits for him to finish the call...

Jim: **"Trust my bint's here now I'll c u inafuckinbit"**

Ben: **"Yeh man, you best be tappin that ho soon"**

Jim: **"hahaha, fuckin guss me. Laters man"**

Bint: "Bint?"

Jim: "Yeh, you're my bint init"

Bint: "Oh right, hahah, love you"

Jim: "pppft... Yeh love you too"

2. Fain: "Miss is such a bint"
by Gashbasher April 21, 2007
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