5 definitions by GILIITCIH

Shadow01 ate his 1337ies this morning, look at him pwn noobs!
by GILIITCIH December 22, 2005
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exellence of something, usually video gaming
GILIITCIH rocks face at halo.
by GILIITCIH January 11, 2004
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when one instant messages somebody, and unknowing to the other person, begins jerking it in conversation
a man had 15 IM windows open, and was jerking it, therefore he internet raped 15 people..
by GILIITCIH December 2, 2003
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Living on the edge, a tentancy to disregaurd authority and is notorious for trouble. Also known as BA.
Wow Jay Bator, talking back to the principal was really BA!
by GILIITCIH November 13, 2003
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when one calls someone, and jerks off during a phone conversation without the other person knowing.
this guy (claiming to be a telemarketer) talked to me for about 15 minutes, only to reveal he was phone raping me.
by GILIITCIH December 2, 2003
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