1 definition by GHRxSteelCoffin

pronunciation me-dee-uh-com

- proper noun

A mediocre cable, internet, & phone provider that offers some of the best prices for cable, extremely high speed broadband internet (up to 20 Mbps!; not dial-up or DSL, as many customers refer to it), & VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) unlimited local & long distance phone service. Mediacom should not be considered as a utility company as the services provided are for entertainment purposes only unless the subscriber requests a business account. Mediacom services are considered a luxury and not a necessity, therefore, are not considered a utility. Mediacom is comprised of an unbalanced ratio of well-educated technicians to just plain out "stupid, retarded, should-not-be-working-in-this-business" technicians. Fortunately, there are more well-educated tech's than the other. Unfortunately, customers seem to get the retarded tech's more often. On the other hand, Mediacom also receives calls from a severely unbalanced amount of calls from kind-hearted, understanding, and, at times, educated customers to extremely under-educated, rude & vulgar customers who don't even know how to use the devices that allow their services to work, let alone know how to use proper english. For example, many mediacom customers refer to modems as modiums, their monitor is referred to as the comprooter, & many customers can't tell the difference between a power cord and a phone cord. Many Mediacom customers also do not know how to follow simple instructions, such as, "unplug the power to your router" which seems to get confused with "unplug the power to your modem", or, "can you run the cable straight from the wall to the modem" (apparently customers need to know how to use a computer in order to connect a cable to a modem?). Somehow, this confuses Mediacom customers, frustrating them, and eventually forcing them to become irate when they're informed of a possible charge if a tech is rolled out just to connect their modem to their PC properly, or plug the phone cord into the modem, or even just to change the channel on their tv (because apparently these things are too difficult to do over the phone). So, if you're a Mediacom customer, keep in mind the frustrations that Mediacom technicians go through on a daily basis, & know that they're not there to screw up your services, but in fact are trying to help you, so treat them as you expect to be treated.
Mediacom is a terrible company cuz my modium can never get to the interweb!


My Mediacom bill is pretty low for all the services I have, thanks Mediacom!
by GHRxSteelCoffin September 15, 2009
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