4 definitions by Furquis

Noun. The denial of a service that was commonplace pre-COVID pandemic, but hasn't returned despite other aspects of society returning to normal, specifically due to the financial savings brought by the denial of service. Any money- or labor-saving action using excessive health precautions as cover, and not in good faith.
The check-in desk at the shelter has been closed indefinitely due to Covidscrimp. Now a person seeking shelter has to push buttons through a confusing phone menu (provided they have a phone, and it's charged) to find a place to sleep. The savings on wages have been over $4000 this quarter alone!
by Furquis April 20, 2022
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A moviegoer who stays till the very end, through the credits. Motivation for such behavior includes the chance of a post-credits scene, paying respect to the many creators of the film, avoiding the crowd at the exit, waiting for one's skin and eyes to recover from a lacrymal profusion, pointing out unique names in the credits, enjoying the music, or just appreciating the dark.
"Just to warn you," she said, settling into her red velvet seat, "I'm a deadender."
"That's okay," he responded, reaching over and taking a handful of popcorn, "so am I."
by Furquis January 4, 2013
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(n): a place where one purchases food that leads inevitably to gastrointestinal distress. See also: food truck.
Just spent two hours in the bathroom thanks to the diarrheatery that we went to for dinner.
by Furquis September 17, 2015
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Noun. The reluctance to agree with or promote any concept approaching a conspiracy theory, lest one be lumped in with tinfoil-hat wearing types. Derived from Latin: stagni (from Stannus: tin) and ffoyle (foil, or thin sheets of metal) and phobia (fear).
Madison smirked and liked the tweet regarding the strange coincidence of the Trump administration dismantling the pandemic response plan in the year before the outbreak of COVID-19, then felt a stab of stagnifoyliphobia and quickly retracted her like.
by Furquis May 17, 2022
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