9 definitions by Fuckstick

Shelving a bottle of stones Original ginger wine while in the hand stand position and doing push-ups and glugging the whole bottle with your ass hole
Hey did you guys see that Shepard glugging the bottle of stones down the beach today
by Fuckstick May 4, 2020
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not very bright, but can lift heavy objects. an oaf.
by Fuckstick October 12, 2003
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1) sideburns made popular in the earlly 2000's by a serial rapist
2) slang for a polish immigrant
NOTE: often misspelled czyzyzyzyyzyzy or cszyzzzzsssszzzzz.
"Wow, sporting the czysz. I didn't even know you could grow sideburns"
"An american, a mexican and a czysz walk into a bar . . ."
by Fuckstick January 28, 2003
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when one guy sticks his junk between ones legs and looks like a female genatala.
"gfdythgfjhrfyj hjfyugyutiuguk uiguiojkgui"
by Fuckstick February 3, 2005
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1) to miss work frequently, making your peers workload greater
a) Man, like five people netting'd today and I have to do 17 TPS reports
by Fuckstick September 25, 2003
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1) a short, lazy, smelly girl

2) one who has to use hair straightener and has a club foot
a) Don't be such a huddle. Get taller, do something, and for god's sake, wear some deoderant

b) man, use something on that hair huddle. And get that club foot checked out
by Fuckstick August 26, 2003
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1) a notch that is the highest in a row or column of notches
2) slang. an item, person or idea that is so much better than everything else that it is ridiculous.
"Just hang that on the top notch"
"These cheese fries are top notch"
by Fuckstick January 28, 2003
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