3 definitions by Forknife

Yeetos Deleetos Is When You Delete Something

It is such a powerful deleeting source even thanos cant keep up
Thanos: I have the infinity gauntlet and i will detroy half of the universe
Me: Not so fast i have the power of yeetos deleetos
by Forknife December 2, 2018
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A video where someone got really fucking mad at a 9 year old.

It is mostly used when someone steals your robux or V-bucks.

It can also be used if someone isn't FUNNEH
Kara: U r not so pro
Glob: Do you honestly think you're fucking funneh?!
by Forknife January 11, 2019
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Thanos Car is a purple car.

Thanos Car has won the piston cup twice and helped thanos secure that epic victory royale.
by Forknife December 3, 2018
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