3 definitions by Forking Shirt

When one is able break through traditional methods of thinking to understand on a more profound level.

To examine ideas centering around humanity, humor, and brain matters, often with others.
“Are you getting it on the level I think you’re getting it on?” “Yes, yes I am
by Forking Shirt August 18, 2019
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A Global 9 and AP Psychology teacher whose "haha's" tend to be sarcastic.
Oh yeah, Penny was just #saltined.
by Forking Shirt November 13, 2018
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(smiling out loud): used in situations where one is not actually lolling (laughing out loud). perfect for when you see a meme and smile at your phone.
omg that picture brings back so many good memories... I’m solling.
by Forking Shirt August 15, 2018
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