330 definitions by Fearman

Species of environmental activist (Gimius Limelitius), that sadly is nowhere near the endangered list. Considers itself waaay above any kind of requirement to deal in accurate information, to think rationally, or to treat the opposition fairly. Exists across a range of habitats, including fields of actually or allegedly transgenic crops (preferred activity: uprooting), banks of TV cameras (preferred activity: indulging in purple and impassioned pleas to rest of population that generally involve mentioning children) and rooms set aside for public debate with scientists (preferred activities: screaming, name calling, pulling hair and storming out in a huff). Its favourite habitat, though, is up a tree, preferably as high a tree as possible and especially one that stands along the route of a planned motorway. The species reproduces itself by way of books and websites featuring the kind of fuzzy logic once associated with the likes of Charles Berlitz. It associates mostly or entirely with its own kind and its only predator is Homo Scientificus Rationalis, or so it claims. Often covered in carbuncles, some of which may be mistaken for quartz crystals, and may smell musky or musty, depending on the weather. Claims to be herbivorous. Among biologists, opinion is divided between whether this species represents part of the order of mammals, or that of reptiles. Others say there is just something fishy about it.
Look at those ego-warriors, uprooting your man's sugar beet and claiming to be out to save the Earth.
by Fearman August 15, 2007
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Expression used of someone who has met a sad end in fact or fiction. After a line from Hannibal Lecter in Thomas Harris's "The Silence of the Lambs", on the subject of Benjamin Raspail. Lecter had Raspail over for dinner and later commented, "Best thing for him, really. His therapy was going nowhere."
He jumped off a cliff and blew himself up with a bellyful of dynamite halfway down. Best thing for him, really. His therapy was going nowhere.
by Fearman August 3, 2007
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What a member of the canine species turns into when it suddenly turns around and sinks its teeth into your ass/wrist/eyeball/whatever is handy.
Oh, no! Dogggggg attack!!! Help!!!
by Fearman October 15, 2007
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Used of something or someone unsuited to a given environment, placed there hopefully for well-intended reasons but left defenceless. From a decision by the relevant authorities in Dublin, Ireland in recent years to mount life-size statues of cows in various media and colours in outdoor locations throughout the centre of the city. The cows were soon vandalised, including one dainty little critter with an elaborate design of cut glass that was left, as you do, in one of the less salubrious areas of the city centre and promptly smashed.
She left little Johnny off at school to face the roughest class in the place, like a crystal cow in knackerland.
by Fearman February 10, 2008
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Used of someone who is living beyond their means. Their wealth is purely in their head and implicit in their attitude.
She can't afford the rent and just bought herself a state-of-the-art computer system on credit. She's rich from the neck up.
by Fearman August 9, 2007
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Twentieth largest island on the planet. West of Great Britain. Home to Brendan Behan, U2 and the original Guinness brewery. Used to get most of the rain in Europe, now thankfully changing due to global warming, proving that it is an ill wind and all that. Exports include the above rock group, an above average slice (for the island's population) of the world's greatest writers, the above dark beverage with a creamy head on, oodles of women with unwanted pregnancies, a few deliveries of Semtex, milk, beef, and formerly, streams of missionaries. Currently is the grip of a "tiger economy" which doesn't seem so feline if you leave out the wobbly property market. Wouldn't be such a bad place if it wasn't for Limerick and a couple of places in the Six Counties.
Ireland. Last chance to make a will before the Atlantic.
by Fearman November 24, 2007
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Someone who cynically grandstands about their unpleasant childhood, by way of fishing for pity or giving an apologia for their heartless or anti-social behaviour. Very trendy in a postmodernist climate. From the character in Dickens' "Hard Times".
Look at that kid on the TV saying that he wouldn't have killed the kid on a joyride if his own mummy had loved him a bit more. What a perfect little Bounderby.
by Fearman August 6, 2007
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