21 definitions by Etch

Verb,t: To plug up the toilet. The character Al Bundy, played by Ed O'Neil in the 90's sitcom "Married with Children" almost always plugged the toilet when he moved his bowels.
I'm so sorry... I've Bundy'd your toilet! Got a plunger?
by Etch July 19, 2006
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An African American that uses proper English, without a southern accent, and speaks in Ebonics only when surrounded by niggas.
Only TV negroes are hired as network news anchors.
by Etch July 16, 2006
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A term used to describe the introduction of drugs, especially meth, into a hopefully unsuspecting user by way of the rectum, using a kitchen turkey baster, syringe (WITHOUT the needle), eyedropper or any such instrument, to administer the substance. Apparently the anus contains a concentration of capillaries and this method purportedly replicates intravenous administration.
"I turned out all my hos by first turkey bastein' the bitches' asses!"
by Etch September 9, 2006
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The crusty brown material that gets transferred to the rear of the toilet seat or underwear, resulting from the accumulation of fecal matter at the top of an unclean, too-far-rear-wiping person's ass crack.
I almost sat in the hefty butt smudge that you left on the seat!
by Etch August 16, 2006
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Verb, 1. To defecate. Noun, 1. A turd. 2. The sound a turd makes when it hits the drink.
The sandwich was so filling that I have to baloomp now.
by Etch July 15, 2006
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Exaggerated lips, such as those seen on an African. Also can refer to overdeveloped labia minora/majora, a condition which can develop on the vulva of a super-experienced ho, indicating a high-mileaged hole.
"You see the innertube lips on that shiftless nigger?"
by Etch September 8, 2006
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Big-rig trucker jargon for a person hired to travel with the driver for the purpose of helping to load and unload the cargo container.
The guy is a gypsy of sorts, and finds occasional work as a lumper at truck stops across the nation.
by Etch December 12, 2007
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