28 definitions by Echold2006

The most overrated town in the entirety of Indiana.
There used to be a Radioshack in Madison Indiana now there is not
by Echold2006 January 18, 2022
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The ability of someone to be able to go to the store in the middle of the month and buy an item that they need without having to scrounge up change or steal.
Someone who goes to florida every year is likely to have got Sto. However, someone who goes to the food pantry every month is likely to not got sto.
by Echold2006 June 29, 2023
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A Youtuber who always says "ICEHOLE!" and "MOTHER FUCKER!"
Angry Grandma threw the potato and said "MOTHER FUCKER!"
by Echold2006 June 13, 2023
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A similar phrase to "Literally 1984" but it is used instead in response to a post or comment misusing the term neurodivergent or related terms/ideas. It's unclear why the year 2001 was chosen.
ExtremeTBHTism205: Luz special interest is good witch azura because she references it!!!!1!
ZoroniteTech: Literally 2001 + C9H9HgNaO2S
by Echold2006 May 5, 2023
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Anyways we can naje a deal and I can pay in a week. or trade for his next script on the 10'th (yeah, you don't want to know)
by Echold2006 June 14, 2022
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a derogatory word/phrase manipulated by its target audience so that only they can use it. If anyone else uses it, even as a joke, they are automatically prejudiced against the affected group and they can't do anything about it
There are, however, no slurs against anyone who is male, white, straight, or wealthy
2025 Update 4 Changelog:
New slur:
Phrase - "strict equality"
Target - "homosexuals"
Reason - the term "strict equality" is a reference to javascript's === operator, which returns true if both equal values are the same type
by Echold2006 June 15, 2022
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pueagh barney scolphv
by Echold2006 February 1, 2022
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