56 definitions by E hates Q

A game platform where kids like complaining about the current year and saying that the year they joined was the best for the platform.
2007: Roblox in 2006 was better
2008: Roblox in 2007 was better
2010: Roblox in 2008 was better
2012: Roblox in 2010 was better
2015: Roblox in 2012 was better
2017: Roblox in 2015 was better
2019: Roblox in 2017 was better
2021: Roblox in 2019 was better
by E hates Q April 23, 2021
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A large area entirely consistent of McMansions and the roads made to service them. The living embodiment of the 2000s housing bubble, and a slap in the face to walkability.
Bob: Alice lives in some nondescript McTown with her parents, no wonder she went nuts…
Claire: Seeing the same 6 bedroom houses everywhere everyday will drive you insane after a while. I agree.
by E hates Q April 12, 2022
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A number including all the nice numbers (69, 420, 1337, 9001 and 666) that also happens to be a sextillion.
Rob: 69,420,133,790,016,660,000,000
Bob: Nice
by E hates Q December 23, 2020
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The people writing some of the definitions for gun control.
Yes, my dad's a gun nut. Yes, we could have spent that money on more useful things. Damn those gun nuts.
by E hates Q January 11, 2020
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A BSD variant, used by either people who want their "file" server to be Fort Knox, or people who are too much of a hipster to use Slackware.

This OS isn't the last level of OS hipsterism, though. That would probably be NetBSD or Funtoo.
OpenBSD user in his natural habitat:

KingOfFuckingHipsters: I use OpenBSD, bow down Arch user!

(QueenOfFuckingHipsters has entered the chat)

QueenOfFuckingHipsters: Funtoo represent

(KingOfFuckingHipsters has left the chat)
by E hates Q June 29, 2021
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A chess trap that only complete morons fall for.

The game is infamous for being the "two move checkmate".

1. f3 e5 (f3 is already a rather useless opening, as no pieces are developed with its aid)
2. g4 Qh4#

White is mated in two moves.

This trap almost never occurrs in actual play, as everyone who has even looked at a chess board knows how obvious this trap is.

A similar trap is the Scholar's mate (which is Black's fastest loss) which goes as follows:

1. e4 e5
2. Bc4 Nc6 (Bishop's Opening)
3. Qh5 Nf6??? (Nf6 is a blunder to rule all blunders)
4. Qxf7#

Black is checkmated.

Again, this trap almost never occurs in regular play.

Most chess courses warn about these traps very early on, so anyone who actually falls for them deserves a dunce hat.
Bob: I played chess with my son, Bob Jr. I played Fool's Mate and he took it hook line and sinker.
Alice: Heh, funny. I started hanging out with the jocks in high school after a nerd humiliated me with the Scholar's mate.
by E hates Q January 1, 2021
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