5 definitions by Dr. Wallaby Jackson

Sai is usually a way to refer to someone who is super fucking confused why urban dictionary is defining their name in such kind ways.
Damns thats a Sai right there, you can tell because theyre reading their urban dictionary definitions.
by Dr. Wallaby Jackson March 31, 2022
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A term used for someone that sees or thinks they see things move when others see it stay in the same position. Someone who has or believes they have wobbly vision usually needs glasses. someone experiencing wobbling vision will see outlines of objects wiggle and slowly move, and will see textured surfaces move like honey or magma, this usually happens when the person looks at something for 5 or more seconds. This isn't really an actual disorder or sickness its just something i experience due to certain eye problems.
Brooo im having such wobbly vision right now.

i heard that Gale expeiriences wobbly vision, its kind of funny.
by Dr. Wallaby Jackson March 31, 2022
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Ree-Wer-ker adjective

1. ReWorker is adjective used to describe someone who tells the same joke or phrase over and over again to often the same people.
2. ReWorker is a noun refering to a show making a reference to an old episode or other show.
Person 1: Hey did you hear about that one guy who got his whole left side sawed off?
person 2: Ive heard this joke from you at least 20 times, you're such a ReWorker.
by Dr. Wallaby Jackson March 31, 2022
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This is a phrase used to critique or make fun of someone who doesn't really know if they like Winston like that. This person feels like they are supposed to pick friend or crush but they cant tell if they even have feelings for Winston. They like flirting with Winston in a romantic way and cant tell if its leading them on or not.
by Dr. Wallaby Jackson March 31, 2022
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Wallaby is a nickname or name for someone who is considered petite, or small, and very affectionate. Some use the term wallaby to define small animals such as rodents,birds, and reptiles, but it is most commonly used for leopard geckos, bearded dragons, and rhinoceros iguanas.
My pet leopard gecko is such a Wallaby!

My bird is the worst Wallaby, he bites my fingers in affection!
by Dr. Wallaby Jackson March 31, 2022
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