1 definition by Diva Dietitian


What is Nutritize™ ?
nu·tri·tize pronounced: noo-tri-tize

1. the pursuit of having a healthy business and making your current business healthier for consumers;

2. to analyze and publicize nutrition information.

Used in a sentence:
* I would like to nutritize™ my restaurant.
* I would like to nutritize™ the foods I eat.
* That restaurant has nutritized™ their menu.
* We are nutritizing™ the way we make our food.
* We are nutritizing™ the way we do business.
* We have the nutritize™ seal of approval.

For more information see: www.Nutritize.com
Nutritize Nutrition
nutritize nutritise
nutritize eat right
Nutritize recipe analysis
nutritize publicize nutrition information
nutritize nutrition information
by Diva Dietitian April 25, 2011
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