4 definitions by Dirty760

When you drive fast over a small hill in the road giving the feeling of 0G for a moment.
"Step on it, we can do a thank you ma'am here."
by Dirty760 July 24, 2021
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Those that are loyal to, work for or are brainwashed by the world wide corruption currently occurring. They currently control the far left, the White House, Trudeau. These are the NWO elites in action. Sadly they have many innocent people fooled, brainwashed into thinking they're the good guys.
Everything woke turns to shit.
by Dirty760 April 21, 2022
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Trump Derangement Syndrome (Correct definition): The effect of one experiencing hateful obsession with Trump due to propaganda running against him for years and years. It means you are brainwashed to hate Trump for made-up reasons.
Many Liberals are victims of TDS, which is why they support Biden despite him screwing everything up in America.
by Dirty760 March 11, 2022
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One who embraces suffering and depression instead of running from it, turning it into great inner strength over time. Often ready and willing to defend themselves or the innocent as a Thug enjoys defensive conflict. Usually loyal as a dog to anyone that is loyal to them and vicious as a wolf to anyone who attacks them. If you're trying to piss one off, he/she is probably plotting on murdering you or your family.
by Dirty760 May 19, 2021
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