2 definitions by Denny’s

Kaleb Avery’s aren’t always your friend. They may manipulate you into your decision. They are loyal, as long as you don’t know anything about them feeling loyal. They are patient, but quick to say things they may regret. Then u must leave them alone to be upset at their self. They still shine bright especially if you are feeling off ,they will light your way. They aren’t easy but they are worth it!
That Kaleb Avery is such a dickweed. He has weed he’s smoking and won’t even role it around. Where is the spirit in that?
by Denny’s August 9, 2019
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A lier will look directly at you and can’t help but say the lie cleverly. They avoid emotion..almost as if they should be rewarded for what came out of there mouth!
A lier would rather tell a lie when the truth would make more sense.
by Denny’s August 9, 2019
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