4 definitions by DeinFater

Two stupid Millenials faking a very obvious fake while shouting "whoooo!" or "Duuude!" or "Breeee!" if they are fags. The filmed result is usually published on TikTok where other halfwits of the same age and intellectual capacity go all "whoooo!" or "Duuude!" or "Breeee!" about it.

In Germany it is also known as "turkish operette" if it has a social component and the "acting" is really really shit.
Wow! Nice "prank" you attentionwhore.
by DeinFater November 25, 2021
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"to rheinheimer" is to absolutely mess something up while klugscheissing about how everyone else is incompetent.
"Man you totally did rheinheimer that meeting!"
by DeinFater September 19, 2018
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A more realistic term for those annoying clownsticks from Generation Z. Having absolutely no knowledge about human history or culture they center everything around themselves. They pretend to love rapmusic but do not bother to listen to the legendary stuff from the 90's all their autotunefags are stealing from to get famous. They start their day by complaining about being victimized by the sun - for waking them up.
The new apprentice is a zoomer. He wanted the hammer banned from the toolbox, cos some black kid hit himself on the thumb with it.
by DeinFater November 25, 2021
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A person with a smartphone who is too fucking stupid to film a horizontal scene. He/she/it/fridge will hold the smartphone vertically and move the arm left and right to capture the content. Most Hochcunts have been conceived while Eurodance Music was playing.
The whole ukrainian war is being filmed by a Hochcunt army!
by DeinFater March 14, 2022
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