17 definitions by DeX

A type of resentment for out of area/newbie surfers felt by "natives" of the area. May also be called Native-ism.
I went to go surf a ::insert beach that is not in your area:: but i was threatened and shunned becuase there's such high localism.
by DeX September 6, 2004
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A genuis - definately ahead of his time and with the ability to predict what life will become like - authoritarian via a police state, with mind control being present.

1984 is a testament to the thinking of the non supressed mind.
If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.
by DeX January 25, 2005
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You can be only zealtodexous if you are Dex9001. You are not Dex9001.
Dex9001 is zealtodexous. I dont care about you. I am zealtodexous.
by DeX December 31, 2005
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she was showing her punaners to everybody
by DeX January 8, 2004
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A sweet, kind, and completely out of the norm person. Has a tendancy to stalk shy and/or feral women.
Aww! You're so sweet! What a Divid.
by DeX April 15, 2004
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Latin. From the root word "sarcasm" but with an extra "i".
You are a fucking idiot for correcting my spelling. You should go to hell and die. And then lick my nuts. NOSH.
by DeX July 31, 2004
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