3 definitions by Crunch 'N Stuff

Acronym - meme formatted text. A format using meme-esque font.

Noun - the format of which memes unaccompanied by a picture are recorded.
The meme was in MFT, so you could trust it was legit.
by Crunch 'N Stuff April 29, 2018
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The "ah hell nah" moment when you cancel a download because it will take longer than five minutes.
I Rage Canceled the adobe update because it would take six minutes.
by Crunch 'N Stuff July 19, 2016
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A really dumb tumblr trend encouraging eating disorders. If you eat healthy & take care of yourself, there is a high chance Onision subscribers think your body is hot... And there are millions of them.

That's right, millions of people think you're good looking, so love yourself.
"Meanspo, more thinspiration trash."
-Gregory Jackson, comedian, YouTuber, activist, song writer, and feminazi.
by Crunch 'N Stuff July 21, 2016
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