11 definitions by Cono12

The kid/kids that everyone meets in high school that have nothing better to do than flex in the mirror, fake their depression, very badly lip sync songs, play rust, get tattoos in some Asian countries, vape, cheat on their girlfriend (multiple times), flirt with everything that moves or breaths (Girls only) and most importantly look like lesbians
Oooooh loook at that cool kid
by Cono12 December 18, 2018
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The dick head has been called numerous names over the ages the cunt and wanker being a smaller percentage of them. The dick head does not care for the feelings of the majority of people he/she encounters. The dickhead could be found the majority of the time on either urban Dictionary insulting as many people as possible or his bed where he sleeps for the majority of the day. Common phases of the dickhead are fuck off, I don’t care, I hope u get aids and cool story. WARNING do not send the dickhead anything but memes and funny stories, if you send him anything else for example gym pictures he will act like he cares but in reality couldn’t give two fucks. Enemies of the dickhead include whales, feminists and vegans
by Cono12 December 20, 2018
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The Kool kid is a female version of the cool kid with the exception of the kool kids life long mission to get pregnant ASAP. The kool kid has two enemies #1 birth control #2 bowling balls (they get jealous of all the fingers that go inside them) be aware of the kool kid at first they will try and lure u in with a vape and a bj and bam 9 months later you have a kid with her
by Cono12 December 19, 2018
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Modern music is about as trash as it comes, it’s like comparing basketball to a good sport. (it’s still part of the same group but no one really wants to talk about it) modern music is so trash that even people like 6ix9ine can make a career from saying random shit, the only closure I now have is that he’s now some black guys bitch. The only people that actually enjoy modern music are Emos, eshays and cruisers. (the last two can be argued to be the same) if you wish to listen to decent music listen to anything before 2000 with some exceptions of course.
Modern music makes me wanna die
by Cono12 January 23, 2019
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Male tennis players are always a gay male who forfeits the right to testosterone. The best thing to do if you see one is to simply point and laugh at how queer they are.
Male tennis players are so gay
by Cono12 July 12, 2019
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The big boy Is commonly found flexing in the mirror or flexing for the girls hoping that their muscles make up for the size of their penis, if they are not found with girls or in front of mirror head to the nearest beach and there u will find them flexing in the sun light trying to look bigger than they actually are, this is an attempt to be noticed but potential mates if this does not work on that day the crafty big boy will post it on their instagram where no one cares but the twelvies that follow them, if encountered in the wild run and hide for it is not common for the big boy species to send pictures of their nuts to people
Omg look at that the big boy flexing in the sun “no one”
by Cono12 December 19, 2018
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